
In The Library

The World Press Freedom Index And The Reality In Armenia

Gegham Vardanyan

Physicist by education, journalist by occupation

According to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Armenia has improved its position in the World Press Freedom Index. In 2021, Armenia was 63rd among 180 countries, in 2022, it was 51st. 

Shushan Doydoyan, President of the Freedom of Information Center, explains that this year the RSF has changed the methodology for calculating the World Press Freedom Index, and making comparisons with previous years is not a very accurate approach. 

The new methodology of compiling the index hardly assesses the tense political events in the countries. In addition, the index not only assesses the level of free expression by the media and journalists but also the opportunities for every citizen, that is, citizen journalists to express themselves freely on social networks. 


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