About Us

Media.am, operating since 2001, is a project of the Media Initiatives Center. Over the years, Media.am’s appearance has changed a few times, new sections were added and old ones removed, but the site’s primary mission has remained the same: to describe developments in Armenia’s media, to present and discuss the issues, news, and trends that affect journalists, news outlets, and freedom of speech.

Media.am is a platform where debates on Armenia’s media sector take place. We are attempting to develop the genre of media critique.

Our Slogan

Media.am’s slogan is “People are the Media.” People create the media environment, and as a result of new developments (in a new media environment), people themselves can create, disseminate, and discuss media stories.



Media.am values the participation of readers in its work. By registering on our website, you can

  • discuss our news stories,
  • send stories to be published in Vox Populi,
  • send stories published by the media that you would like us to consider (especially in terms of media ethics and news verification), and
  • participate in our online conferences.



The Newsroom provides the news and main developments of the media sector.

In Viewpoint, you will find interviews with media professionals and policymakers.

Critique is where you’ll find media analysis: opinion pieces that attempt to spark conversations on media trends and developments in Armenia and the world.

Vox Populi is the place for democratic media analysis. Here, those outside the field discuss and critique the media. Anyone who wants to write for this section can send their stories to [email protected].

Laboratory is our study room. Here you’ll find journalism books, presentations on the various areas of and innovations in the media, and audio and video content of the best lectures on the subject of the media.

Announcements is a resource for journalists with postings on education, training, and exchange programs, as well as information on contests and competitions.

MediaGlobe contains Armenian translations of the best English- and Russian-language articles on the media of interest to readers.

Crossroads is for articles on conflict coverage. The media’s attention on regional conflicts is analyzed in this section. Articles by not only Armenian, but also Georgian and Azerbaijani authors will be published.

.hay is a section where we present Armenian journalists and media producers working abroad.

Verified. The verification of news, images, and video content is an important issue for the modern media. In this section, we provide news verification tools, and stories on verifying and revealing fake news. Readers registered on the website can send their own stories, based on which we’ll prepare reports.

The Image section features photos about the media, the work of the media, and what it has to say.

In Re-information, we present the media’s reaction to changes in Armenia’s socioeconomic sphere.

Card Stacks is a place for explanatory journalism: it provides complex information in a simple question-and-answer format.

In the Media Ethics section we discuss the ethical issues of the media sector. This is a thematic online conference with one or more guests (we will gather questions directed to the guests beforehand). Questions can be sent by registering on the website or through our social media accounts.

We have an organized database with the contacts of local Armenian news outlets.

Comments and Moderation

Comments by Media.am readers become public after moderation. We urge our readers not to leave anonymous comments. It’s always nice to know with whom one is speaking.

We urge comments on Armenian-language articles to be made using the Armenian alphabet (and not in Latin script).

We do not publish comments that contain profanity, non-normative vocabulary, personal insults, threats, or hate speech.

From 2014 to 2022, the website operated within the framework of the “Media for Citizens’ Informed Participation” program, funded by USAID. This project makes independent and reliable sources of information on reforms affecting society more accessible to the public. Through high-quality journalism and media literacy, it creates a demand for public oversight, as a necessary mechanism for citizen participation and involvement. The project is jointly implemented by the Media Initiatives Center, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation, and Internews, and is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


In 2010, Media.am was redesigned and until April 2014 worked within the scope of the Alternative Resources in Media (ARM) project implemented through USAID.


From April–November 2014, this website operated with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy.





The site’s Crossroads section was created with the support of the Embassy of UK in Yerevan.