Because of my work, the computer has become my inseparable friend. It is with me for the large part of the day, since my work is mainly tied to providing information and materials, which is mostly done using the Internet. The Internet, at the same time, permits me to follow world events. Considering myself a part and one of the builders of civil society, I consider it necessary to follow the news, since being informed is an important “weapon” in being a full member of civil society. I prefer online newspapers and publications as the main means of acquiring information for a few reasons: online sources of information more quickly respond to changes in the public, they more rapidly report the news to readers, it’s more convenient to read the online version for those whose work is tied to the computer, and finally, alternative approaches and comments on the same issue are more diverse in online news outlets than in print media or on TV. I mainly read information sources that have different views, so that I may analyze and make conclusions for myself.
In my opinion, very often what’s missing in news sites operating in Armenia is self-sufficiency: as a result of the absence of their own sources, they more often cite other news outlets. This restricts receiving alternative news since, finally, you arrive at a single source. This issue becomes particularly more timely when looking into information about Armenia’s regions, Artsakh [Nagorno-Karabakh] and Javakhq [Samtskhe-Javakheti, a region in southern Georgia].
The scarcity of analysis in articles I consider to be another weak point of [local] news sites. Articles that provide information are important, but the analytical approach, comparing and summarizing information, is no less important.
The importance and necessity of the Internet increases day-by-day: at the same time, also securing the role of online news sources in the list of main sources of information. The culture of print media in Armenia has lost its supremacy, capturing the attention of fewer people, while online media, based on its functions, solidifies its place in the line of sources of receiving information — however, still yielding its place to television.
Lusine Saghumyan
University: Yerevan State University, Tbilisi State University
School: Vanadzor’s No. 28 school, No. 1 college
Favorite expression: “Don’t judge and you won’t be judged”