Since my work is tied to the internet, I spend part of my day online; consequently, I mainly get my information there. Moreover, in my opinion, the internet is currently the most modern means of getting information. Though the news is repeated in nearly all the Armenian sites, I can find one, two news pieces that differ from the rest. By saying Armenian site, I understand first of all a literate Armenian-language website, which, of course, can also have versions in other languages, but Armenian is mandatory. Opening are news sites or portals which, upon first glance, seem to be full of content, but is it accurate or serious to enter a website where all the content is taken from different foreign, in particular Russian, sites? In such cases, it’s more interesting to make use of the original sources. There’s absolutely no work being done in keeping the sites active.
The other accepted approach of websites is when in each category a few articles are posted and updated very rarely. Sites have to be dynamic; even those sites which have a narrow focus should be updated at least once a month and have a place for questions and answers. There are sites whose email address doesn’t correspond at all to the site. Sometimes the site is very much like another website, in both design and content. Attention must be paid to design and usability.
Irina Tovmasyan
Host of the show “Fairy Tales are Calling”, founder of (“heqiat” means “fairy tale” in Armenian), market analyst
University: Interlingua Linguistic University, National Academy of Sciences
School N. 132, 149, Young Journalists’ School
Favorite music: jazz, opera, pop
Favorite books: Martin Eden, The Red and the Black
Favorite films: Life is Beautiful
Favorite sports: windsurfing, cycling, swimming
Favorite expression: Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars (Violeta Parra)