Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke about TV companies during a “Civil Contract” party rally on September 16 in the Shengavit administrative district, as part of the My Step alliance for the Yerevan City Council Elections.
“I officially say from this podium, that the press and television in the third Republic of Armenia, has never been as free as it is today,” said Pashinyan.
“Before my becoming Prime Minister, news outlets and TV programs double-checked their actions with Baghramyan 26. That is, with the ex-President and Prime Minister’s staff. After being elected Prime Minister, such a phenomenon has been completely eliminated,” the Prime Minister said.
Nikol Pashinyan said that his staff had no relations with TV companies. The only exceptions where a format of cooperation is formed, is with Public Television Company, which is “state-funded television and part of public life, but also a television that represents state policy.”
“No other television company can say that there is any substantial contact with them. At least, if anyone has such a contact, that hinders the work of these TV channels, I am not aware of it, and will definitely punish them, however I am certain that no such contact exists,” said the Prime Minister.
Gegham Vardanyan