
The media handbook On a Trajectory of Revelations was recently published [in Armenian; English forthcoming], which collects the topics presented by speakers at the conference Tvapatum Investigation: Media Against Corruption organized by the Media Initiatives Center [also responsible for this site] in Yerevan in December 6–8, 2016.

The authors of the 12 essays in the book are from different countries: Lithuania, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, the US, and the UK.

Perhaps [people are] disillusioned with the system, or no longer believe they have a meaningful voice in public affairs. But when that many people choose choosing not to exercise one of democracy’s most fundamental rights, it‘s is the a symptom of a larger problem.
— Louise Lief (US)

They have written about their professional experience and journalistic revelations, and the importance and impact of cross-border collaboration.

Journalists who try to expose corruption always face an uphill struggle. They are pursuing people who have money and power, and who can pay squads of compliant lawyers, accountants and bankers to keep their dirty secrets safe.
— David Leigh (UK)

The authors present the current trends, platforms and tools of investigative journalism, and discuss its opportunities and challenges, obstacles and pressure. 

Corrupted officials are not very intelligent. But by seeing the carefully matched and verified materials, they are cautious. And when they see that published materials have shortcomings, they can immediately use that against the journalists. The journalist that publishes unverified information is always vulnerable.
Cornelia Cozonac (Moldova)

On a Trajectory of Revelations was produced by the Media Initiatives Center with the support of the Embassy of Lithuania in Armenia and within the scope of the USAID-funded program Media for Informed Civic Engagement.

The handbook is designed for journalists, media experts, journalism students, and different civil society groups. 

Media Initiatives Center Training Manager Narine Safaryan is a member of the new handbook’s editorial staff. She says the book is a remarkable collection of professional experience, analysis, opinions, and recommendations.

“The investigative journalists from different countries who participated in the Yerevan conference present local and global resources of sharing and cooperation, which multiply the impact of journalistic investigations around the world.

“Their stories inspire, teach, value, and unite young and experienced journalists engaged in journalistic investigations,” she says.

Gagik Aghbalyan