The Potential Impact Of A Ban On Gambling Advertising On Content

Advertising of gambling games will be banned starting September. According to Davit Khumaryan, Director of News Radio, because of this ban, the online advertising market will lose 40% of its turnover, radios, 30%, and television approximately 20%. 

According to Davit Khumaryan, due to this ban, there will be cuts in the media and it will have a negative impact on the content being produced. 

“The people who write those laws are probably thinking that there’s no particular difference. The only problem with that way of thinking is that the media in Armenia is not fed by the market. Therefore, it does make a difference: 2 ads here, 2 ads there. It’s all the same, there are founders, there are owners, there are secret owners, against whom they struggle unsuccessfully. And one way or another, those media outlets will live and there will be no problem. But there are several completely independent media outlets in Armenia that are trying to live off the market or work with grants. Now, by “removing money” from the market, you will increase the beneficiaries of grant media, or you will direct some of them to the financial and political centers and try to raise some funds. Which absolutely does not make the media domain healthy,” says Davit Khumaryan.

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