
In The Library

In The Library: Nick Nimmin

Gegham Vardanyan

Physicist by education, journalist by occupation

When the country’s Prime Minister goes live on Facebook every day and talks with the people, the interest in video blogging grows automatically.

Today we are talking with YouTuber Nick Nimmin, whose videos on YouTube have hundreds of thousands of views.

He considers YouTube to be the largest television company, and is sure that whatever is being uploaded is just the tip of the iceberg, because the growth of video blogging is just beginning

Nick Nimmin advises beginner bloggers to not be afraid to take the first step, “Start, because that is the hardest part, and try to focus on the values which you want to share with people.”

Consistently release materials, and it will eventually turn into a video library and later a content repository.

In the library drawer

Social media statistics are always interesting, personal, according to countries, according to interests. Socialblade is a platform for providing such data.

Here, each person can see what position their YouTube, Instagram or Twitter accounts take in the world.

You can also see statistics by countries. For example, a list of YouTube channels with the largest audience in Armenia.

Gegham Vardanyan

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