Facebook periodically changes its algorithm, in attempts to make communication on the social network safe and calm. Recently the social network giant decided to prevent the spread of hate speech.
Now, users who post anything regarding nationality and lands, which includes words of hate, are blocked.
Information Technology Specialist, Arpine Grigoryan, thinks that Facebook’s method of punishing by blocking is one-sided, because it is done without warning and without being given the tools for editing old posts.
If the Facebook account has already been blocked by artificial intelligence, the only option left is contacting Facebook, and trying to re-establish yourself as a full and visible member of the network.
“You can start campaigns and send a complaint letter to Facebook, and of course, keep track to make sure that there are no swear words, instigations, or spreading of hate speech in the posts. Although, of course, this does not guarantee that you won’t be blocked,” says Arpine.
In the library drawer
Facebook is a closed system. It has never been convenient for searching for information. The website stalkscan.com helps to solve this problem. It organizes and displays Facebook content, without breaking the rules of the network.
Journalists can use stalkscan to check content regarding developing events and eyewitness news.
An individual’s activity in social networks often gives an accurate impression of a person, by showing their interests and connections. A journalist can use this information to try to figure out how reliable and trustworthy their focus subject is.
Gegham Vardanyan