Nune Hakhverdyan
Art critic, journalist
Երևանի հեռուստատեսային աշտարակ

From 2021 Public TV, “Armenia,” “Yerkir Media,” “Shant,” “A-TV” “Kentron” and “РТР-Планета” will be broadcast throughout Armenia.

On January 14 and 15, the Commission on Television and Radio  (CTR) summed up the results of the licensing (slot) competition for regional, national and capital broadcasters in the public multiplex. This competition will decide according to the new rules which channels will be in the public multiplex during the next seven years.

The members of the CTR presented the rating points live, according to which the applications of the TV companies were evaluated. The criteria are as follows ․

  • The dominance of own production programs
  • The dominance of Armenian programs
  • The ability to promote pluralism
  • Technical and financial capabilities
  • Professional training of the staff
  • Priority of programs aimed at the recognition and strengthening of national, universal, caring, lasting cultural values.

The maximum amount of rating points is 840. And the minimum, which if not surpassed, the TV company is excluded from the licensing competition, is 280 points (one-third of the maximum).

And since the sum of the points will automatically determine which channel will receive which broadcast slot (many points will provide the national broadcast slot, fewer will provide the capital slot), the list of ratings turned out like this ․

“Armenia” (“Armenia TV” CJSC) – 713,

“Yerkir Media” (“Husaber” CJSC) – 688,

“Shant” (“Shant” LLC) – 680,

“A-TV” (“A TV” LLC) – 670,

“Kentron TV” (“Multi Media Center TV” CJSC) – 663,

“The 5th Channel” (“Shark” LLC) – 657,

“H2” – 626,

“ArmNews” (“ArmNews CJSC”) – 613,

“A1+” (“Meltex” LLC) – 545,

“Freenews” (“Free News” LLC) – 531,

There are 5 national distribution slots, 7 in the capital. Therefore, those who occupy the first five places will receive a nationwide distribution slot.

It was previously announced that there were 6 nationwide distribution slots in the public multiplex and 9 in the capital. But on December 30, 2020, an agreement on cooperation in the field of mass telecommunications was signed between the governments of Armenia and Russia, and three slots in the public multiplex were allocated to Russian TV channels: “РТР-Планета” will be broadcast throughout Armenia, and “Россия-Культура” and the “Первый канал. Всемирная Сеть” in Yerevan.

Thus the number of slots decreased.  Public Television of Armenia will also receive a nationwide slot without a competition.

CTR has not yet announced its final decision, but according to ratings, Public, Armenia, Yerkir Media, Shant, A-TV and Kentron will be broadcast throughout Armenia.

In general, two TV companies were left out of the competition, which claimed exclusively for national broadcasting slots and did not imagine that they could be broadcast only in Yerevan. They are “h2” and “A1+.” Although the points collected by the two were enough for the capital’s distribution slot, they will not receive air. Both channels wanted the maximum, which they did not get.

As a result, “TV 5,” “ArmNews,” “Freenews” will have coverage in the capital. They will also be joined by the TV companies that have only applied for the capital slot and gained enough points. They are: “Dar 21” (“Dar-21” CJSC) – 492 points, “Arpi Media” (formerly cable TV channel) – 542 points, “New Armenia” (“Mo TV Media Holding” CJSC ) – 463 points.

“Shant Sport” channel (“Shant” LLC) is the only one that did not collect enough points (216) and was left out of the capital slot competition.

Public Television, which had previously submitted an application, refused to participate in the competition that wanted to establish a new news channel, and “”  “Ar” TV company also did not participate in the competition.

After presenting the points, CTR President Tigran Hakobyan said, “I hope that the licensed TV companies will feel their social mission, will broadcast the diversity of public needs, will meet the high technical and production standards and will recognize the role of television cognition and knowledge dissemination.”

And on January 14, the regional slots competition was summed up, according to which one channel from each region will find a place in the public multiplex of Armenia.

“Delta TV” will get a slot in the Aragatsotn region, which scored 674 points, and “Progress Media” – 619.

The winner in Armavir is “Aranea” (435), “ALT” TV editorial office scored 292 points.

Three TV companies had submitted applications at once in Lori. “Fortuna” – 673, “Lori TV” – 529, “Corner Plus 3” – 482 scored the most points.

The leader in Shirak is “Tsayg” with 589 points, “Shant team” collected 492.

“Zangezur” will get a slot in Syunik – 573 points. In Tavush, “Tavush Media” – 502 points. In Gegharkunik, “Gavar” – 622 points. “Kotayk TV” in Kotayk – 498 points.

There were no applications from the Ararat and Vayots Dzor regions, CTR announced new tenders.

Nune Hakhverdyan