
In Armenia, people watch most ads on TV. The organization Breavis has conducted a survey to find out which sources of information advertisement most people view and consider as impressive and memorable.

1601 people over the age of 18 participated in the poll from 10 provinces of Armenia and from Yerevan.

Television advertisements comprise of 27.8% of ads. Advertisement on the internet is viewed about 13 times less, 1.9%, and ads watched on social networks is only 1.3%.

Outdoor advertisement views are ahead of social advertising, making 1.4%. Radio advertisements and ads in public transportation are the lowest viewed ads, 0.2% and 0.1% respectively.

The majority of respondents found it difficult to answer what the most memorable advertisement was. Among the most memorable ads, a relatively high number consumers named of food and beverage (9.7%), mobile carriers (5.3%), appliances (3.9%) and bookmakers (2.7%).

Despite the fact that TV ads are the most popular, the dynamics of the Armenian advertising market are developing in another direction. has touched upon the development trends, advertising budgets, and post-revolutionary advertising content in 2018 with different publications.

According to expert estimates, the annual budget for TV advertising in Armenia has not changed for the last 3 years.

With this background, the budget of internet advertisements are not so large, however, it has a growth dynamic. Internet advertising is more measurable and advertisers want to have a clear idea of where to put their ads, what their target audience is, what preferences, etc.

A significant part of internet advertising costs, 70-80%, comes out of the country.

Advertising on local news sites is narrow, including banks, mobile operators and bookmaking companies.

Gayane Asryan