Covering the judicial process in real time is complicated. It is more difficult when the main suspect is a former high-ranking official, and the case has wide publicity.
Human rights activist Zaruhi Hovhannisyan thinks that it’s important that journalists do not have a superficial, but a more consistent approach.
“Usually, when the news topic explodes, everyone begins to cover it, and when it is asleep, it ceases being covered.”
In her opinion, the fact that the judiciary system is corrupt and not independent should have been written about from the first day of the revolution, before becoming a witness to sabotage.
“If we say that the judicial system is working outside of the law, then we must also state that democracy is not established.”
Zaruhi said, “if the authorities allowed themselves to give into euphoria, populism, laziness and temptations, then the media should have reminded them of the problems. Right now, when it has been announced that corruption has been eradicated.”
After the revolution, many media outlets have been rebuilt, becoming either loyal or opposed to the revolutionary agenda.
And, of course, there is a lack of access to reliable sources.
Zaruhi Hovhannisyan thinks that many media outlets are so directed (both against and for) that it’s already becoming offensive for the audience.
In the drawer
Today I suggest watching a legal drama called The Good Fight, about various legal cases during the Trump era.
All the main heroes in the series are lawyers.
The thread of law is opened end entangled. Judges, lawyers and prosecutors are trying to figure out how to judge the freedom of speech in the digital age, open scenes of reality shows and trolls on social networks.
And the important thing is how to make a lot of money with a flexible interpretation of laws. Defending, of course, those who are worth defending.
Gegham Vardanyan