
In The Library

In The Library: Avnik Melikyan

Gegham Vardanyan

Physicist by education, journalist by occupation

President of Political Dialogue Avnik Melikyan considers herself the owner of the revolution and attaches importance to the dialogue in the field of democracy.

“How much we talk about a specific topic and policy is important, not derivative scandals and mutual accusations,” she said.

She views social networks as a tool that has both risks and opportunities.

“Often, fake agendas and narratives are created on social networks. The question is how we respond to it,” she said.

Avnik is convinced that in post-revolutionary Armenia we should focus on reforms and ignore the social media imitation that civil war is taking place and society is divided.

“Of course, there is also the idea that the new authorities are trying to gain time with this imitation, to create the impression that there is a great enemy they are fighting against and that is why they need unequivocal support. But I don’t want to believe it,” said Avnik Melikyan.

Gegham Vardanyan

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